NCL Composer 0.3.0 released
The main features in this version are: (1) a new improved main window, allowing better organization of the interface; (2) a completely refactory of the structural view; and (3) a new Run View plugin, which allow to play Ginga embedded in NCL Composer.
Update: You can find a more detailed comparison of the previous (0.2.1) and
current current (0.3.0) structural view here.
Updates since v0.2.1
New features & UI (GUI and Plug-ins)
- Completely new and improved main window.
- A new default perspective.
- Allow users to the current perspective through CTRL+1, CTRL+2, …
- Structural: A new toolbar.
- Structural: Support to undo/redo.
- Run: New Run View plugin.
- Textual: Add replace features to Ctrl+F.
- Layout: Copy/paste of regions.
Performance & Internal Implementation
- All: new log system based on Qt 5.5.
- Textual: Update to QScintilla 2.9.3. (#723)
- Structural: Completely refactoring of structural view.
Bug fixes
- Fix “save as…” crash when overwriting a project (#786).
- Recent projects was not being loaded when nclcomposer was started (#805).
- Property: fix crash after changing a media source in the filechooser (#808).
Find out more in our Download Section and if you find any problem, please contact us!